
News Briefs 6-7

LANSING, MI — The community is still reeling from the loss of Old Town’s Unofficial Mayor, Robert Busby.  Photographs of Robert at one of the Creole Gallery concerts last year taken by Richard Galosy are helping to keep his memory alive. Richard’s "… A Simple Elegance gallery/studio" is selling these photos as 12 x 18 prints for $135.00 and 8 x 12 prints for $35.00. 100% of the proceeds go to the Robert P. Busby Jazz Scholarship Fund at the Michigan State University School of Music. To date Mr. Galosy has provided $690.00 with a list of those persons who purchased the photographs to the fund.  For more information contact him at 517-719-1913.

Councilperson Carol Wood Kicked off Council at Large Campaign

  LANSING, MI — On Tuesday, April 24, 2007, Councilperson Carol Wood announced her intention to run again for the at-large seat.
  Grace Lutheran Church located at 528 N. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. was full of supporters and well wishers. 
   Councilperson Wood said that she was running again because she felt that there was work left to be done.  She expressed the need for stabilization of neighborhoods and homeownership programs.
    In closing she stated, “We may disagree but we should do what is right for Lansing.  I am here to serve the citizens of Lansing and collectively we can make a difference if we work together.”


DETROIT, MI — General Motors, the Detroit Riverfront Conservancy and The Parade Company, along with Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, today announced details for the first-ever Detroit International River Days at a press conference in the GM Wintergarden. River Days is a six-day festival that will kick off June 22 and culminate with the annual fireworks display June 27. "The city of Detroit takes pride in long-standing summertime family traditions," said Mayor Kilpatrick. "With events like the Detroit International River Days and the Target Fireworks, the communities in southeastern Michigan and our friends in Windsor can all share in our beautiful riverfront."
Cool GM events: GM will host a wide variety of interactive, exciting activities, including the Chevy Racing Tour, the Buick Golf Trailer, an on-court youth seminar by Duke Basketball Coach Mike Krzyzewski (June 26), and the Quarterback Challenge, which allows visitors to see if their football skills are "Professional Grade."
Family Fun Zone: The Parade Company will host a Family Fun Zone at Rivard Plaza, where the young and young at heart can participate in interactive games, enjoy lively entertainment on the kid’s stage and make-and-take crafts. They’ll even get the opportunity to try on parade costumes. Also in the Fun Zone, the DIA will offer hands-on workshops and unique exhibitions.
Following is a sampling of other activities scheduled:
Live music from the DSO and some of Detroit’s hottest bands.
Parade of Lights, featuring boaters from across the state exhibiting their decorated boats on June 23, beginning at 10 p.m.
Diamond Jack’s River Tours
Detroit Open Bass Fishing Tournament
Tours of the Lake Guardian, a research boat run by the EPA
Pooch-A-Palooza Pet Walk on June 24, beginning at 9 a.m.
Rhythm & Rhymes from the Hart, a literacy- and reading-focused event to be held the afternoon of the fireworks