
News Briefs 7-11

LANSING, MI  — Michigan Department of Agriculture (MDA) Director Don Koivisto has announced that Michigan-grown tomatoes are not associated with the current Salmonella Saintpaul outbreak and have been declared safe to eat by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  Michigan has been added to the FDA’s “safe to consume” list available online.
Michigan is second in the nation in terms of agricultural diversity and is home to approximately 500 open-field tomato farms and 15 hydroponic/greenhouse tomato operations with locally focused distribution.
“Although Michigan’s open field tomato harvest doesn’t begin until July, it’s important for consumers to know that our growers are producing safe, wholesome products for Michigan families to enjoy,” said Koivisto.  “Now is the perfect time to ask for locally grown and processed Michigan products at your area retail markets.
Purchasing local food and agriculture products throughout the year has a huge impact on the state’s economy. In fact, for every dollar spent locally, three to seven different local businesses are impacted before that dollar leaves the local economy. If every household spends just $10 per week of their current grocery budget on local foods, it would keep more than $37 million circulating weekly within Michigan.
Consumers can locate Michigan-grown produce by looking for the “Select Michigan” label at area grocery stores, visiting local farmer’s markets, or online through Michigan State University’s “MI MarketMaker” program.
MI MarketMaker is a web-based resource providing a link between producers, processors, wholesalers, retailers, farmers’ markets, food service providers and end-consumers within the food supply chain.  It allows a consumer to find local producers who sell at their farm or at farmers markets.  It also allows retailers such as grocery stores and restaurants to find producers who can supply their wholesale needs.  It is available on the web at http://mimarketmaker.msu.edu/.
For more information about the Select Michigan program or a listing of Michigan specialty food companies, visit www.selectmichigan.org.
For more information on the “safe to consume” list, please visit FDA’s Web site at http://www.fda.gov/oc/opacom/hottopics/tomatoes.html#retailers.

The Capital Region Community Foundation has awarded a $6821.00 grant to the Open Door
Ministry of Downtown Lansing as a portion of the cost of relocating its Food Bank facilities.
The receiving, storage and  distribution operations will be reorganized for greater efficiency near the lower level dining room of the host structure, Central United Methodist Church, Capital and Ottawa in downtown Lansing.
This project is one phase in the eventual concentration of the Ministry’s functions in one area of the church. These functions in addition to the food bank, include a hospitality lounge hosted by volunteer "Ministers of Presence," storage of personal belongings, restrooms, showering facilities, clothing and care items, weekly Fellowship Lunches general assistance, counseling and other programs.