
News Briefs 8-11

LANSING, MI — St. Stephen’s Community Church will host a program to teach high school students How to Manage Money on Saturday July 25, 2009. Local experts will present workshops about such topics as budgeting, savings, credit, and how to start a business. A Light breakfast and lunch will be served. The program is free and open to all high school students.  The event begins at 9:30 AM and ends at 1:30 PM. Funding for this event is provided in part by a grant from Comerica Bank. The event registration deadline is Friday July 17, 2009. To obtain a registration form, visit the St. Stephen’s website– http://www.ssccucc.org/yourti115702.html or call the St. Stephen’s office at 517 484 2180.

St. Stephen’s Community Church is committed to reaching out to the community in an effort to make a difference by providing spiritual, cultural, educational, and social outreach.  The upcoming youth financial program provides a needed service to the Greater Lansing community. Guest speakers from the community are volunteering their time and as one speaker Gwen Goins states, “Preparing our youth for a better life is my compensation.” Michigan State University Extension (MSUE) staff member Erica Tobe who is well known in the community will present “The Money Game” to teach the participants about how to budget. The sessions will be fun and interactive.

Founded in 1987, St. Stephen’s began as an interdenominational church encompassing many varied religious backgrounds. In 1990, St. Stephen’s became affiliated with the United Church of Christ, a progressive denomination that embraces and celebrates multi-racial, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds. St. Stephen’s Community Church is located at 1007 Kimberly Drive, Lansing, MI 48912 (on the eastside near Chester St. and East Grand River Ave. in the Groesbeck area).

Best online services at SocialSecurity.gov

By Vonda VanTil,
Social Security Public Affairs Specialist

Americans love their computers. In fact, a recent study shows that the number of Americans who use the Internet has more than doubled over the past 10 years, reaching nearly three quarters of the U.S. population. Nearly half of all Americans have a high-speed Internet connection at home, compared to only five percent at the start of the decade. The study indicates that Internet use is even beginning to outpace traditional media. Younger Americans spend more time online than in front of a television. 

The Internet is a gateway to more than media and entertainment. It is a highly accepted way to do business. As Americans become increasingly comfortable with the security and convenience of doing things on the Internet, online business is becoming more and more popular.

There is so much you can do at Social Security’s website from the convenience of your home or office.  Here are some of our best online services:

o    Use our Retirement Estimator to get a quick and accurate estimate of your future Social Security retirement benefits.  www.socialsecurity.gov/estimator
o    Retire online!  You can complete and submit your retirement application in as little as 15 minutes.  www.socialsecurity.gov/retireonline
o    Apply for disability benefits online.  www.socialsecurity.gov/applyfordisability

There’s even more you can do at www.socialsecurity.gov.  So whether you’re interested in planning your retirement or applying for disability, learning about Social Security’s history or finding out about how the system works, our online office is the most convenient one to visit. 

Vonda VanTil is the public affairs specialist for West Michigan.  You can write her c/o Social Security Administration, 50 College SE, Grand Rapids MI 49503 or via email at vonda.vantil@ssa.gov. 

Register of Deeds Works to Help Citizens Avoid Property Fraud

Mason, MI – Last night, at the request of Ingham County Register of Deeds Curtis Hertel Jr., the Ingham County Board of Commissioners approved the purchase of new software designed by Fidlar technologies to help citizens avoid property fraud.

“Protecting consumers’ information and real estate property is one of my top priorities and requires more education and vigilance than any time in the past.” Hertel Jr. said.  “By investing in the Property Fraud Alert System we are giving Ingham County citizens the ability to protect their property and their financial future.”

The Property Fraud alert System will allow the public the ability to have their name/property monitored within the County Register of Deeds office in order to track possible fraudulent activity. Subscribers will be notified only when the name they have submitted is used in any recording activities within the County Register of Deeds Office.

According to the FBI, Michigan is among the top five states where property fraud is occurring. The FBI suggests one way to prevent property fraud is by monitoring your land records at your local Register of Deeds office. This system will make that easier in the future.

Commissioner Victor Celentino, Chairperson of the County Services Committee stated “protecting our citizens from fraud has always been a priority of the Board of Commissioners and by the purchase of this software, through the leadership of our Register of Deeds Curtis Hertel, Jr., we are achieving our goal.”  “I am very pleased with the proactive approach the Register of Deeds continues to take to protect Ingham County citizens from foreclosures and now from property fraud.”  said Debbie De Leon, Chairperson of the Ingham County Board of Commissioners.  “Investing in programs that protect our citizens from fraud is an important safeguard we can put into place to protect our residents.

The Property Fraud Alert System is expected to be up and running some time over the summer. Citizens that are interested in signing up for the system can do so by logging onto www2.ingham.org/rod/ and submitting their email address.