
News Briefs 8-26

 A New Year’s Resolution to Keep 

By Vonda VanTil
Many Americans begin each New Year with a list of resolutions and goals. You may want to go on a diet, shed a little weight, do a bit more exercising, or clean out the long-neglected attic. The trouble is these well-intended goals often melt away long before winter’s snow does.  
So why not make a resolution that’s easier to keep?  If applying for retirement benefits is on your list of things to do this year, resolve to do it online. To get started, visit www.socialsecurity.gov/applyonline.   
Visiting a Social Security office to apply for benefits is no longer necessary. You’ll save time, energy, and resources by filing your application from the comfort and convenience of your home or office computer.
In fact, it can take as little as 15 minutes to complete your retirement application. How’s that for an easy resolution to keep?
Of course, not everyone is ready to retire so here is another resolution that is easy to keep. If you’re only dreaming of retirement now, why not turn those daydreams into concrete plans for your future retirement goals? Just use our online Retirement Estimator, plug in some basic information and you’ll instantly get a personalized estimate of your future retirement benefits.  It’s another easy resolution to keep and will take only a few minutes. Try it out now at www.socialsecurity.gov/estimator.
Whether you’re already getting Social Security retirement benefits or just beginning to work, Social Security offers a number of services and a wealth of information online at www.socialsecurity.gov.  
Vonda VanTil is the public affairs specialist for West Michigan.  You can write her c/o Social Security Administration, 50 College SE, Grand Rapids MI 49503 or via email at vonda.vantil@ssa.gov.