
News Briefs – 9-2

 Lead in Your Home?

Do you live in an old home and have old windows or peeling paint?
The Ingham County Health Department Lead Program has grant money available to assist homeowners and rental property owners in addressing lead hazards in the home.
You qualify for help if you meet all of the following:
*You have a child under the age of six or a pregnant woman living in the home 
*Your home was built prior to 1978
*You (or your tenant) are low to moderate income (Section 8 guidelines- see attached)
*You own or rent a home in Ingham County
*Taxes are current
*There are no building code violations
Upon acceptance into the program, there is an application fee of $150.00-$300.00 depending on income with grant money of up to $8,000.00 per home available for those who qualify.
For additional information, call Regina Simmons at 887-4623.
A Revolutionary Yet Ages-old Approach to Solving Today’s Healthcare Crisis
LANSING, MI —  With healthcare costs spiraling out of control and Congress unable to agree on how best to address the issue, most people seem to have forgotten that there’s a 2,000- year-old remedy for everything that ails us – physically, mentally and financially. It’s a method of scientific healing, the textbook for which was written in the 19th century by a woman who undertook an intensive three-year study of the Bible in order to gain a better understanding of the healing truths demonstrated by Christ Jesus.  
Its author, Mary Baker Eddy, also discovered and founded Christian Science, a movement, one that brings the promise of improved morals and health to any “honest seeker for Truth.” (Science & Health, p. XII)
On Sunday, February 28, at 2:00 p.m., Martha Moffett, a practitioner and teacher of Christian Science from Minneapolis, will speak on the subject “What Is Christian Science and How Does It Heal?” at the Hannah Community Center in East Lansing.  Admission, parking and child care are free.  With so many people searching in so many places for real solutions to a myriad of health-related issues, Moffett will discuss how utilizing this Bible-based, systematic approach to healing can help people meet challenges of all kinds by returning to the basics of spiritual healing taught by the original Christian two millennia ago. 
Moffett, a former trial lawyer with the United States Department of Justice, who served as the Jerusalem Staff Attorney for the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, and practiced law with a large Washington, D.C. law firm, will share inspiring accounts of the healing of serious illness, of addiction and abuse, and of being rescued from harm — all through understanding and applying universally-available laws of God, good. 
For more information, contact Gretel Rutledge, a member of the sponsoring church, First Church of Christ, Scientist, Greater Lansing, at 332-1919, or visit www.christiansciencemidmi.org.