
News Briefs: Byrum disputes Sen. Knollenberg’s political misinformation

 Byrum disputes Sen. Knollenberg’s 

political misinformation
County Clerk denies requesting $1-million appropriation be added to legislation regarding straight-party voting
MASON, MI – Ingham County Clerk Barb Byrum (D-Onondaga) stated that her office has been contacted today from a constituent who indicated that State Senator Marty Knollenberg’s (13th District) Office that she requested a $1-million appropriation be added to current legislation that would eliminate straight-party voting.
“This is absolutely untrue,” Byrum said. “I absolutely did not ask for the appropriation, nor did I ever support this legislation.”
Byrum stated that she was present at the House Committee meeting yesterday to testify with other County Clerks against Senate Bill 13, which would eliminate straight-ticket voting.
“Senate Bill 13 is nothing more than partisan legislation that bad for Michigan, and bad for voters,” Byrum said.
The constituent reportedly contacted Sen. Knollenberg’s Office to express concerns regarding Senate Bill 13 and were told that the appropriation was added at the request of the Ingham County Clerk.
“This misinformation is beyond irresponsible for the Senator’s Office,” Byrum said. “When constituents call an elected official’s office to express their concern, they should not be steered toward political deception.”
Byrum said that she wants the record set straight and that she feels the elimination of the straight-party voting, as found in SB 13, is an attack on electoral choice, and will result in longer lines at the polls and voter confusion, which will ultimately result in voter disenfranchisement. 
“Keep in mind that Michigan ballots are some of the longest ballots in the nation as we vote for many offices that voters in other states do not. Also, Michigan is already the 6th worst in the nation for lines at the polls,” Byrum said. “The ultimate effect of Sen. Knollenberg’s legislation is voter suppression, yet again.”
“I strongly recommend that the Legislature decline to adopt SB 13.” Byrum said. “This bill is bad legislation that will disenfranchise voters.”
Barb Byrum
Ingham County Clerk
This was printed in the December 13, 2015 – December 26, 2015 edition.