

Michigan Youth ChalleNGe Academy (MYCA) is accepting applications for the January class. Orientations are being held in various locations throughout the state. The program is looking for at-risk young men and women interested in a second chance at achieving a high school education.
The Academy was removed from the 2010 state budget only to survive by less than half through negotiations. The State Legislature and Governor’s Office approved the Program for 1.5 Mil for Fiscal year 2013 which will enable the MYCA to return to is previous size of over 200 applicants per class.
The Michigan Youth ChalleNGe Academy is a 22-week resident course designed to help high school dropouts or at-risk youth get a GED or high school diploma, improve life skills and the chance of employment through a quasi-military environment. In addition to 400 hours of classroom instruction, youth receive leadership, self-discipline, physical and vocational training; they also perform a minimum of 40 hours of service to community while earning fifteen hours of college credit from Kalamazoo Valley Community College.
The Program is administered by the Michigan National Guard and is open to any Michigan high school dropout, 16 to 18 years old, without a felony conviction.
There is no cost to participate and no obligation to join the military. MORE INFORMATION MAY BE FOUND ON-LINE AT WWW.NGYCP.ORG/MI OR CALL JIMMIE JONES, ADMISSIONS & GRADUATE AFFAIRS AT (269) 968-1230 OR 1-800-