
News Spotlight: Affordable Care Act: Why implementing the federal law is important to Lansing residents

On Monday, March, 19, a bipartisan group of state lawmakers and healthcare experts will help area residents understand their stake in Michigan’s implementation of the federal Affordable Care Act. The Symposium will be held at the Clark Conference Center, Sparrow/St. Lawrence Campus, 1210 W. Saginaw Street, from 11 AM – 2 PM. 
“Every day we see Lansing residents who urgently need access to health care,” said Peggy Vaughn-Payne, executive director of NorthWest Initiative, a Lansing community development organization. “We have sponsored this symposium because too many Lansing residents do not know how the federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) affects them, or why they should have a voice in the debate about how the Act is implemented in Michigan.”
Don Hazaert, director, Michigan Consumers for HealthCare will open the program with an overview of the ACA at 11:30 AM.

11:00 AM            Registration, pick up box lunches, networking

11:20 AM            Welcoming remarks and co-sponsor introductions  Peggy Vaughn Payne, Executive Director, NorthWest Initiative

11:30 AM             An overview of what the Affordable Care Act could mean to you - Don Hazaert, Director, Michigan Consumers for HealthCare

Questions and Answers

NOON            Panel: Why our communities need to understand the Affordable Care Act

 Facilitator: Brett Williams, Regional Coordinator, Michigan Consumers for HealthCare


·      Senator Jim Marleau, Chair, Senate Health Policy Committee

·      Representative Fred Durhal, Chair, Michigan Legislative Black Caucus

·      Gilda Z. Jacobs, Executive Director, Michigan League for Human Services

·      Olga N. Hernández-Patino, Ph.D., Chairperson, Allied Health and Human Service Department, Lansing Community College

    Questions and Answers

 1:00                    Roundtable discussions: Strategies for community education


 2:00                     Adjourn


Event cosponsors include: Lansing Juneteenth Committee, Lansing Latino Health Alliance, Michigan Consumers for Healthcare, 
Michigan League for Human Services, Michigan Legislative Black Caucus, United Cerebral Palsy, and the Women’s Center of Greater Lansing 

ACA information: www.michiganconsumersforhealthcare.org