
News Spotlight: Bomb Threat at Local School

 On Monday, November 30, 2015, a Holt High School student posted a picture on Snapchat of a bomb threat on a bathroom wall. This information was never directly passed along to school officials. Later that afternoon the picture was relayed to school staff. 

The Ingham County Sheriff’s Office Delhi Division was notified and information was also sent out to all high school parents Monday evening. 

While the threat was taken seriously, there was nothing to indicate that this was an actual bomb attempt. In any case, there was an increased presence of deputies inside the school and on school grounds at arrival time, and roaming the building during the remainder of the morning. School security and janitorial staff were also on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary. Nothing was found. 

The school district will continue to investigate the author of the threat with assistance from the sheriff’s office. We encourage all students to text information about any perceived threat to “OK2SAY” (652729) which is a confidential tip line. Additional information is available athttp://www.michigan.gov/ok2say