
News Spotlight: Candlelight Vigil to Honor Victims and Survivors of Domestic Violence

What: Candlelight Vigil for Domestic Violence Awareness Month

When: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 at 6:30pm

Where: Michigan Women’s Historical Center and Hall of Fame, 213 West Malcolm X in Lansing


You are invited to attend this vigil to remember those we have lost as a result of abuse, celebrate those who have survived, connect with those who work to end violence, and raise public awareness about domestic violence.


The theme for this year’s event is Healing through Art and will feature posters from the “Beating Hearts: Stories of Domestic Violence” exhibit (http://beatinghearts.net/) and an interactive art exhibit “The Door: A Journey from Domestic Violence Victim to Survivor” by Stacie Dubay (http://giftfromwithin.org/html/Domestic-Violence-Healing-Resource.html.) The program will also feature stories from domestic violence survivors, a reading of names of those who lost their lives to domestic violence, a silent silhouette display and a candle lighting ceremony.).



The Candlelight Vigil is a collaboration between EVE (End Violent Encounters), CARE (Capital Area Response Effort), MSU Safe Place, SIREN/Eaton Shelter, The Women’s Center of Greater Lansing, the Lansing Police Department, and the Michigan Women’s Historical Center and Hall of Fame.


For more information, please contact Jillian Pastoor, Community Relations Coordinator, EVE (End Violent Encounters) at (517) 372-5976 x 11 or Alyssa Baumann, Volunteer & Advocacy Coordinator, MSU Safe Place at (517) 432-9570.

The program will begin at 6:30pm. Admission is free. Light refreshments will be available.


Facebook event link: https://www.facebook.com/#!/events/47084219960324