
News Spotlight: Care Free to hold 3rd Annual free “Giving Sight” Day Friday, August 9


LANSING, MI —  To see or not to see, that is the question!  And Care Free is the answer to “seeing” for those without insurance!  

Care Free’s 3rd Annual “Giving Sight” Day will be Friday, Aug. 9 at its Optometry Clinic for anyone without insurance. Optometrists will provide free eye exams and glasses as needed. Appointments must be made in advance; no walk-ins will be accepted. Call: (517) 887-5922.

For eight hours, volunteer eye doctors, technicians and opticians will conduct 100 eye exams at 3333 S. Pennsylvania in Lansing.

“So many in our region have poor eyesight because of a lack of insurance or the ability to pay. This affects their chance of getting and holding a job, driving a vehicle or even reading a can of food to compare nutrition facts,” said Leonard Silverman, OD, co-founder and director of the Care Free Optometry Clinic.

“Additionally, children who don’t receive regular eye exams may not even realize they cannot see well. To those kids, it’s normal to have blurry vision. This impacts their chance of learning and gaining the self-confidence to succeed in school and life.”

These free days are possible only with additional donations, volunteer eye doctors and technicians. Monetary donations are graciously accepted to help the nonprofit’s mission of serving as many patients without insurance as possible.

 Volunteer doctors participating are: Paula Koch, OD, Matt Maki, OD, Jeff Koets, OD, Mitch Dobrzelewski, OD, Noehdar Paydawy, OD, and Leonard Silverman, OD.

People wishing to be seen by the eye clinic should call Care Free at (517) 887-5922.