
News Spotlight: Double Murder and Suicide Stuns Community

UPDATE:: Police say Randy Keith, 52 shot and killed his 37-year-old wife, Christine Keith.

Keith shot Christine’s 14-year-old son Isaac Miller as well before shooting himself.


Three people were found dead at a Lansing home yesterday evening, December 5.  Police believe it to be a double-murder and suicide.

According to a news release from Lansing Police Captain Daryl Green, poice responded toa call about a woman who appeared to be dead inside the home in the 700 block of W. Saginaw Ave., police made an emergency entry around 7:20 p.m.

Officers found three people dead inside the home, and say they have reason to believe their deaths were the result of a double-murder and suicide. Police are not currently looking for any suspects.  No further information is available.