
News Spotlight: February 24 Deadline for Arts Grant Application

LANSING, MI –  The Arts Council of Greater Lansing, Inc. (ACGL) announces a Wednesday, February 24 deadline for the first and only round of Fiscal Year 2010 Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs (MCACA) Minigrant applications.  The ACGL serves as a regional regranting agency for the MCACA for Ingham, Eaton, Clinton and Shiawassee counties.

Projects proposed for funding during Round One may be held between April 1, 2010 and September 30, 2010. For Fiscal Year 2010, there will only be one funding period and no organization can receive both a MCACA Grant and a MCACA Minigrant.  Non-profit organizations in Ingham, Eaton, Clinton and Shiawassee counties planning an arts or cultural event during this period are invited to apply for funding.

The MCACA Minigrant Program provides up to $4,000 in financial assistance, on a matching basis, to non-profit organizations for a wide variety of arts activities that offer special opportunities for communities to enjoy and participate in high quality arts activities not otherwise available.  Decisions are made by a panel of qualified reviewers.

Application packets are available at the new Arts Council of Greater Lansing office, located at 1208 Turner Street in Lansing or they can be downloaded at http://www.lansingarts.org/resources/grants.php.  Applicants residing in counties other than Ingham, Eaton, Clinton and Shiawassee should contact the ACGL for information on the location of their MCACA regranting agency.  A workshop for applicants will be held on Wednesday, February 2 at 4pm at the ACGL office.

For further information, contact Katie Robiadek, Program Manager at the Arts Council of Greater Lansing, Monday through Friday between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, at 517.372.4636. 
Founded in 1965, the Arts Council of Greater Lansing is a non-profit organization whose mission is to lead, advocate for and advance arts and culture in the capital region. For more information, visit www.lansingarts.org.