
News Spotlight: Former Lansing Mayoral Candidate Considers Run For House of Representatives

August 12, 2011
My Dear Friend,
I wanted you to be among the first to know that I am giving very serious and prayerful consideration to running for the Michigan House of Representatives next year.  Specifically, I am looking at becoming a candidate for the 68th district seat which Joan Bauer will be vacating due to term limits.

This is a critical time in the history of our state and city….joblessness is too high, our schools are struggling, our infrastructure is crumbling, and our collective psyche has taken a serious hit.  I believe we need a different kind of political leadership in the State Capitol….we need people with the drive and vision to come up with new solutions to the problems Michigan faces.  The old “politics as usual” will not take our state where it must go in order to thrive again.

I want to serve as your State Representative because I want to approach the economic difficulties  facing Michigan from a different perspective, to take a parallax view….of job creation, education, social services, our criminal justice system and revenue generation (taxes).

Joan Bauer has done an admirable job in her 6-years in the Legislature…fighting for education, senior citizens and community health programs.  I would hope to continue her legacy of political leadership and great constituent service…and work hard every day in the Capitol to take that high level of leadership and service even higher.

After serving on the Lansing City Council and Lansing School board, working 30-years as an executive with Michigan state government, and practicing law for two decades, I believe I’m ready to put my political, executive and legal experience to work for you at the State Capitol.
I will need your help…from your campaign contributions, to your time and talents as a campaign volunteer.  Please contact me with your thoughts, ideas and, hopefully, offers to join with me as we work toward the revitalization of our beloved Michigan.

Feel free to email me at:  cfordlaw@sbcglobal.net {or} call me at:  (517) 281-9716
Sincerely yours,

Charles E. Ford
Attorney, citizen and public servant