
News Spotlight: Hats Off to Health Diabetes Awareness Event Set

 Diabetes is one of the most serious health challenges facing Americans today. Nearly 21 million people in the United States, or 7 percent of the population, have diabetes. And another 54 million people are believed to have the beginning stages of diabetes. Every minute of every day, another American develops type 2 diabetes.

In the African-American community the numbers are even more daunting. Diabetes affects nearly 3 million African-Americans, yet half don’t know they have the disease. Many health professionals believe that diabetes is reaching epidemic proportions in the African-American community. Consider these other statistics:

  • One in 7 Blacks has the disease
  • Diabetes is the fourth leading cause of death in the Black community and the leading cause of blindness, kidney failure and amputation.
  • African-Americans are twice as likely as Whites to develop diabetes
  • At the rate that diabetes is progressing, it is predicted that for every two African-American children born today, one will develop diabetes–type 2 diabetes, which used to be called “adult onset diabetes.”
  • One in four black women, 55 years of age or older, has diabetes. 
  • Twenty-five percent of blacks between the ages of 65 and 74 have diabetes.
  • African Americans with diabetes are more likely to develop diabetes complications and experience greater disability from the complications than white Americans with diabetes.

These statistics reveal the need for African Americans to become better educated about this deadly disease. The Greater Lansing Chapter of Jack & Jill of America, Inc. is sponsoring “Hats Off to Health: Diabetes Education Tea” on Sunday, April 25 at the Country Club of Lansing. This tea will provide an understanding of the disease; including the different types of diabetes, the complications, the warning signs, and how to live with it. It is our goal to help create more awareness of the impact this disease is having on the African-American community.

For more information or to purchase tickets for this educational fundraising event, call 517.449.2605.