
News Spotlight: Help the Jaycees Stuff the Bus, bring Christmas cheer to local children

 Help the Jaycees Stuff the Bus, bring Christmas cheer to local children


LANSING — Shoppers will have an opportunity to help spread holiday cheer next month at the Lansing Jaycees’ annual “Stuff the Bus” event, which this year aims to provide Christmas to 26 local children and their families.

With support from the greater Lansing community, members of the Lansing Jaycees plan to stuff a CATA bus full of clothes and toys on Saturday, Dec. 14 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Wal-Mart at Eastwood Towne Center, located at 3225 Towne Centre Blvd. in Lansing.

“Every year, residents of the greater Lansing area amaze us with their generosity when they dig into their hearts and pocketbooks to support our Stuff the Bus project,” said Angela Clock, event co-chair. “I encourage everyone to stop by and participate this year.”

Ashley Orel, the other co-chair, added: “The thought of children waking up on Christmas morning with nothing under the tree breaks my heart and that’s why we’re holding this event.”

Stuff the Bus is an annual Jaycees event that provides local shoppers with the opportunity to help stuff a CATA bus with clothes, coats, necessities and toys to benefit local children and their families through the Volunteers of America “Adopt-A-Family” program.

“Participating in Stuff the Bus is a great way to get into the holiday spirit and help local children across the Lansing community have a Christmas,” said Lansing Jaycees 85th President Abby Kelly. “I look forward to seeing a stuffed bus this year.” 

For more information on Stuff the Bus, find the Lansing Jaycees on Facebook, @LansingJaycees on Twitter, visit: www.lansingjaycees.org, or call: (248) 716-0539.