
News Spotlight: Ingham County Treasurer Announces Community Forums

(Mason)  The Ingham County Treasurer announces a series of Community
Forums designed to provide information on the tax foreclosure process,
the Ingham County Land Bank and property taxes.  A short program on the work of the Treasurer’s office and the Ingham County Land Bank will
feature City of Lansing Maps showing foreclosure activity and Land Bank
projects as well as discussion of the current status and future of
Community Gardening. The goal of the forum is to provide information and solicit public feedback.  Light refreshments provided.

Forums will be held from 7-9 p.m. on the following dates:

Tuesday, March 29th at the Neighborhood Empowerment Center at Pine and Maple

Wednesday, April 13th at Gone Wired 2021 East Michigan Avenue, Lansing48912

Wednesday, April 27th at the Human Services Building “B” 5303 S.
Cedar, Lansing

Wednesday, May 11th at South Side Community Center 5815 Wise Road,
Lansing 48911