
News Spotlight: Lansing Activates ‘Code Blue’ Cold Weather Emergency Plan


The Lansing Fire Department’s Emergency Management Division and the Department of Human Relations & Community Services (HRCS), in consultation with Mayor Andy Schor, are activating the city’s ‘Code Blue’ extreme cold weather plan. Implementation of this policy went into effect on Tuesday, January 31 at 5:00 pm and will run until Sunday, February 5 at 8:00 a

The following plans are in place for emergency cold weather shelters through the Code Blue activation:

Monday – Friday

Day:   Holy Cross New Hope Community Center

430 N Larch Street, Lansing 48912

Phone: 517-484-4414

Night:  Holy Cross New Hope Community Center

430 N Larch Street, Lansing 48912

Phone: 517-484-4414


The Outreach Drop-In Center, City Rescue Mission

601 N Larch Street, Lansing 48910

Phone: 517-485-0145

Saturday – Sunday

Day: Advent House,

743 N Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard, Lansing 48915

Phone: 517-485-4722

Night: The Outreach Drop-In Center, City Rescue Mission

601 N Larch Street, Lansing 48910

Phone: 517-485-0145

In the event of capacity issues at any shelter, Advent House is prepared to activate their facility and open as soon as possible to handle any overflow. In addition, Advent House will assist with all cases involving families, seniors, and individuals with limited mobility. They can be contacted directly with any questions.

More information, including the City’s Cold Weather plan with the Code Blue activation language, is available at: www.lansingmi.gov/coldweatherplan

Source: City of Lansing press release