
News Spotlight: Lansing Area Artists will Paint for a Great Cause! “Art Nights at Hotwater Works”!


October 13th and 20th, 5 – 8pm, two prominent Lansing Artists will break out their paints to create spontaneous art pieces which will be auctioned off to benefit The Mid-Michigan Food Bank.   ART NIGHTS AT HOTWATER WORKS will be two fun filled evenings, with refreshments, fun, hot tubs and live art…all for a good cause!
Artists, James McFarland and Julian Van Dyke, long-time friends, conceived this idea as a way to help the community.   Both are painters, each with distinctive styles.   The Artists say, “We are doing this event because as artists recognizing the dire economic times we are in, we are inspired to produce something that will help those who are in need.”  
Not only will their individual works be up for auction at the “Art Nights” but also they will be creating together a series of special pieces during this occasion, on site!  The paintings will be up for auction at the events, and unsold paintings will be available between the Art Nights at www.vandykeart.com and www. hotwaterworks.com. 100% of the proceeds with go to the Mid-Michigan Food Bank.   Says Van Dyke. “We intend to make this two fun and interesting nights of Art and Entertainment in Lansing, and create needed contributions for the food bank!   
Painting begins at 5pm both nights, and the auction will take place from 7 – 8pm, both nights. 
Julian Van Dyke is an accomplished painter, and he also is an illustrator, author and actor.  Find out more about Julian at www.vandykeart.com, and reach Julian for an interview at vandykeart@hotmail.com. 
Not only is James McFarland a talented Artist, he is also Owner, and CEO of Hotwater Works, Inc., a Lansing business since 1978. Hotwater Works, Inc. was established based on the Japanese Soaking Tub technology, which prescribes hot soaking for health reasons.  It is a “green company”, and has designed a circulation pump for chemical free tubbing, which runs for an entire month for only 75 cents!  The soaking tubs and components are manufactured in Lansing at the business storefront.  Hotwater Works is located at 2116 E. Michigan Avenue in Lansing. 
 For more information see: www.hotwaterworks.com.  Also reach James McFarland for an interview at James@hotwaterworks.com
For more information about the Mid-Michigan Food Bank contact Alison Bono 517 484-7461.