
News Spotlight: Lansing Reading is Fundamental (RIF) is presenting “White Christmas”

Lansing Reading is Fundamental (RIF) is presenting “White Christmas”, a Gala Night at the Riverwalk Theatre, Tuesday, December 3, beginning at 6:00 pm.
Fabulous savory and sweet hors d’oeuvres will begin the evening, followed by a wonderful performance of “White Christmas” by the Riverwalk Theatre. Tickets will be $25 each, with all the profits going to purchase books for the Lansing RIF Program.  Tickets will be available only from Lansing RIF - you’ll want to save the date for this family friendly event!

Questions?  Call Lansing RIF at 755-4966.

Please forward this to everyone in your email address book – friends, family, co-workers, organizations.  Thanks!

Jennifer Otto
Lansing RIF
Community Learning Center

Elmhurst School
2400 Pattengill Ave
Lansing, MI 48910

Lansing RIF:
        8:00-1:00 M;   8:00-3:00 Tu, Th;  10:00-noon W, F
Community Learning Center:
        1:00-3:00 M;   3:00-5;30 Tu.Th;   4:00-7:00 W;  8:00-10:00 F

Beth Donaldson
Chairman of the Board
Lansing Reading is Fundamental (RIF)