
News Spotlight: Local Sorority Gives Back to Many on MLK Day


On Monday, January 18, 2010 Alpha Kappa Alpha, Inc., Chi Epsilon Omega Chapter will be participating in the nationwide celebration of Martin Luther King Day of Service.  They will be supporting several groups during an all day event at Black Child and Family Institute.  If you have time, volunteers are welcome.

Black Child and Family Institute

1. BCFI morning/afternoon session – Sorority members and community volunteers will be cleaning 2 computer labs at the Black Child and Family Institute, making them ready for the free Income Tax Clinic being held during the month of February. This will include mopping the floors, cleaning the keyboards and screens, and cleaning the chalkboard in the rooms. This project will be from 10 am – 2 pm. 

2. Cataloguing project in BCFI library. All day project depending on availability of volunteers.

3. BCFI afternoon session—The American Red Cross will do a 1-hour (non-certifying) session on CPR and an additional 45 minute session on Emergency Preparedness. The target audience will be high school and MSU students that a member of the chapter works with. In addition the chapter will also recruit 5 or 6 students from EL High School to join us. This program will take place from 1-3 p.m.

4. Pillows for EVE. A member of AKA CEO works with the EVE program which provides housing for victims of domestic assault. Each AKA CEO member will purchase a pillow or send $10.00 to the AKA committee chair for the purchase of pillows. The EVE program has a constant, urgent need for pillows and blankets. On MLK day, sorority members will make the pillow delivery in the afternoon.