
News Spotlight: Michigan Commission on Services to the Aging Hosts Public Forum Older Michigan Adults, Caregivers, and Providers Asked to Provide Input

The Michigan Commission on Services to the Aging will host a public forum Friday, March 16 from 1:30-3 p.m. in Grand Rapids, to hear from older Michigan residents, their caregivers, aging service providers, and interested others about issues important to them. The forum will take place at the Owen Bieber Building located at 3300 Leonard St. NE, Grand Rapids.
This forum allows the Commission to gather feedback from constituents about how best to provide services to this unique population. Topics for public testimony may include, but are not limited to, health, long term supports and services, nutrition, elder rights, and other programs that promote ways for older adults to remain engaged in their community with dignity and independence.
Public comments will help shape aging programs, target financial resources, and ensure the public has a voice in how the interests of older Michigan citizens are best served. Both oral and written testimony will be accepted. Written testimony can be sent to the Michigan Commission on Services to the Aging, P.O. Box 30676, Lansing, MI 48909, ATTN: Director’s Office.