
News Spotlight: Pet World

Q: Of course, Collies were originally bred to herd sheep. My Lassie has only seen sheep on TV. Why does my dog smell like sheep? – A.F., Phoenix, AZ

A: Dogs’ coats sometimes can sometimes begin to smell like their environments. If you want to test if your friend or child is sneaking cigarettes, sniff the dog. However, if your dog has never been around sheep, it doesn’t smell like sheep. All dogs can suffer from a long list of possible skin disorders, which may generate an odor. Ask your veterinarian to sniff and examine your dog.

Q: Can I train myself to have a bladder like my cat? She only urinates two or three times a week. – B.D., Cyberspace

A: If you have an indoor only cat, you’ll find a smelly surprise if you check floor plants, bathroom rugs, or places in corners or behind furniture. Your cat is using the little box two or three times a week, but I can assure you she’s not “holding it” for days at a time. Do have your vet check the cat for idiopathic cystitis or a urinary tract infection. A great resource is the Indoor Cat Initiative: http://indoorpet.osu.edu/.

Q: I’m so disgusted by all the fuss you make over pets. It’s gotten to the point where society gets more upset over abused Pit Bulls than abused children. I’m sick of pet owners saying “money is no object” when it comes to their animals’ veterinary bills.  I’m sick of pets being called “four-legged family.” Give me a break! – C.Z., Salem, OR

A: Why are you so angry? I think you need a pet. The pet will help to relax you.

Scientists around the world have documented that pets are good for us. They put smiles on faces; smiling increases ‘good endorphins,’ which are healthy for us. While we should exercise more than just by taking our pups for walks, but at least it’s something. Some cardiac doctors have actually prescribed a dog as rehab.

I’ve never suggested that pets are more important than people. In fact, clearly people come first. But why does that mean we can’t have regard for all life? Besides, by lessening animal abuse, we’re helping people. It’s been shown that people who abuse animals are far more likely to commit violent crimes against people. Check out the American Humane Association; they protect both children and animals.

I’m not sure why you’re upset with people who choose to spend their money on pet care. Are you upset if your neighbors spend tons redesigning their kitchen or vacationing in exotic locations? Why is it your business? In fact, you should be grateful for what veterinary medicine can do these days. Human medical researchers and veterinarians are increasingly working together to study diseases in dogs, in particular. The result: Both dogs and people benefit.

Finally, here’s a little statistic that’ll make you even more sick and tired: There are more pets than children in America. Also, 94 percent of dog owners say they love their dogs and 89 percent of cat owners indicate love is also the top reason why they have a cat. I bet I just made your day.

Write to Steve at Tribune Media Services, 2225 Kenmore Ave., Suite 114, Buffalo, NY. 14207. Send e-mail to PETWORLD(at)STEVE DALE.TV. Include your name, city and state.