
News Spotlight: Recent MSU Alumni and a local East Lansing resident launch a company, “Global Mentors LLC” Connecting Minds Worldwide

EAST, LANSING, MI — When Vishwajeet K. Singh took ‘the walk’ in the sunny summer of 2010 at Michigan State University (MSU), he had a strong urge to give something back to the community at-large, particularly to the MSU community and its wonderful University town of East Lansing that has given him so much – friends, family and life-long education to boast about. Employed now as a faculty at the University of Oregon where he teaches Hindi/Urdu for World Languages Academy, exactly within a year he is close to fulfilling his urge and now come back to the town to launch his new venture, “Global Mentors LLC”. In this pursuit, however he has not been alone – “where there is a will, there is a way!” Local resident member of East Lansing community, Dr. Kumar Arun, founder of India Heritage Foundation came forward with open arms, gave him an able hand and joined him as co-founder to bring their dreams a reality.

The two members of our community thus founded Global Mentors LLC (http://www.global-mentors.com/) in the fall of 2010 and are confident that “the company will provide a meeting ground to the professionals and non-professionals at a mouse click. It offers real-time access to the experts and their knowledge. For the future leaders of excellence, it is a virtual space where individuals can create online classes and communicate with experts coming from diverse backgrounds. The goal is to build an authentic global support system for common people, who do not have access to the quality education, training, or mentoring”

The company is having its launch ceremony and, its first recruitment event at Hannah Community Center in East Lansing on February 06, 2011 at 1pm. As part of the launch event, the audience will have a rare opportunity to listen to a very well acclaimed motivational speaker and widely popular CBS Sky Radio host, Lisa J. Smith. Ms. Smith is known for bringing a down to earth perspective and practicality to her work, and touches people at the core by empowering them to find their full potential.

Prior to thrilling the audience with her keynote speech, Lisa Smith shared with us “I believe that value education is the greatest way to empowerment. I believe we all have something to teach and we all have something to learn. When we can come together and share what we know, we create a bond with no borders, no limitations and unlimited potential for unity”. She is followed by someone who is not unknown to the MSU and EL community – equally popular with and respected by the students as well as local community. East Lansing Mayor Victor Loomis shares his thoughts and wealth of experience with the audience.

EL needs more people contributing to their economy. With budding entrepreneurs initiating to invest money out of their University town, it is a good sign for the City and a gesture of community members caring about their alma mater. In words of the company founders, “the dream is to build an institution of individuals, and to invest in the overall growth of individuals that cuts across the languages, religions, regions, gender, and age. We want to provide a common space to inform, educate, share ideas, and execute them. Welcome to Global Mentors LLC!” Come and Join Us. Everyone is invited to our launch event on Feb 6, 2010 at 1 pm. Entry is free with light snacks and drinks served!

Manish Madan, Ph.D. is a graduate student in Criminal Justice at Michigan State University.