
News Spotlight: Suspect Arrested for Malicious Destruction of Property


Elisa Lashawn Hogan

On Sunday, May 5, 2013 at approximately 1:50 a.m.  Lansing Police were in the area of E. Michigan and Larch St. and were flagged down by an employee of a Rum Runners. The employee stated he was having trouble with a patron.

The employee advised the Officer that a female subject just smashed the glass out of the businesses front door. The female subject identified and was walking away from the scene. Officer’s made contact with the female subject (suspect) who was uncooperative. Officer’s attempted to make an arrest on the suspect for the damage of the business. The female suspect resisted arrest by physically fighting with Officers and attempted to flee on foot. The suspect was ultimately taken into custody after a Taser was used. The suspect was treated a released into Police custody at a local hospital for minor injuries sustained during arrest.

The suspect, Elisia Lashawn Hogan, a 21 year old Lansing female was arraigned Sunday in 54-A District court in front of Judge Larkin on the following charges.




Count 1: Malicious Destruction of Property (MDOP – $200-$1000.) (Misdemeanor)

Count 2: Resisting and Obstructing a Police Officer (Felony)