
News Spotlight: Two Free Easter Egg Events at a Church and the Capitol Lawn

Church Hosting Easter Egg Hunt

Grovenburg United Methodist Church is hosting an open-to-the-public Easter Egg Hunt at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 23 at the church.  This free event is being hosted as a project in service to the community.

There will be Easter eggs hidden for children to find, prizes, snacks and a brief story time.  The event is expected to last about one hour.  Children should bring their own Easter baskets if possible; otherwise, bags will be provided.  Very young children will have a separate area to hunt Easter eggs.

Grovenburg UMC is a fully handicap-accessible facility located at 1368 Grovenburg Rd. in Holt, just 1.25 miles south of Holt Rd.

For further information contact Loretta S. Stanaway at 517-648-5730.

Lansing Jaycees to host annual Easter Egg Hunt

LANSING — Hundreds of Lansing-area children will scavenge for Easter eggs on the state Capitol lawn Saturday, April 23 at the Lansing Jaycees’ annual Easter Egg Hunt.

The event will feature activities for children of all ages like: crafts, games and prizes, and visits from several special guests. Confirmed visitors include the Easter Bunny, Click-It the Cricket, McGruff the Crime Dog and Sparty the Spartan. The Lansing Fire Department will also have a fire engine on scene for children to investigate.

Parents can purchase raffle tickets on the day of the event to win Easter Baskets and other great prizes. Proceeds from the raffle will benefit future Lansing Jaycee community projects.

“I look forward to the Easter Egg Hunt every year” said Angela Fossi, 83rd president of the Lansing Jaycees. “Watching local children light up with joy while collecting Easter eggs and discovering the prizes inside is a real treat.”

The day’s festivities begin on the steps of the Capitol at approximately 10 a.m. with opening remarks, while the hunt will start promptly at 11 a.m.

Nearly 800 children attended last year’s event. The Jaycees are ready for more than 1,000 children this year and will have more than 9,000 eggs stuffed with toys and candy!

Adults must accompany their children to the event, but are not allowed within the hunt areas.  There will be three hunt areas, for age groups: 3 and under, 4-6, and 7 and up.

In the event of rain, the Easter Egg Hunt activities will be canceled and not rescheduled, with eggs donated to local charities. This year’s community sponsors include: Sohn Linen, Geno’s Pizzeria, MSU, Soup Spoon Café, Pro Bowl, Edru Skatarama and Pizza Hut.

For more information on the Easter Egg Hunt, find the Lansing Jaycees on Facebook, @LansingJaycees on Twitter, visit: www.lansingjaycees.org, or call: (248) 716-0539.