
NEWS SPOTLIGHT UPDATE: Man Shot by LPD Allegedly Requested For a Message To Be Sent Out on Social Media Prior to His Death

Lansing Police Department has identified Terrozza Tyree Griffin, 24 years old, Lansing man as the subject who was shot by police on December 24th, 2015.
In a public post allegedly from Griffin to M. Allen that was shared 131 times on Facebook: “TGriff words “Y’all n—-s don’t no what iz like to see yo mom on wheels to see yo brother and yo Cuzin get shot and erbody tranna blame me for it , bro I can’t go for 25-50 years the police surrounding the house im bout to shoot it out wit em .. Make a Facebook post for me bro give em this address and let erbody know I went out like A G . I don’t care if they call me a p—sy or not I went out like a G . I ain’t gone shoot my self cause god won’t forgive me so imma shoot it out wit DA police”R.I.P Griff last words he told me before it happen.”
It appears that Griffin was impacted by a shooting that happened in Lansing where 1 person died and 2 others were injured.It appears that Griffon MAY have chose a method  called “suicide by cop”.  This is a no win situation for everyone involved.
Suicide by cop is a suicide method in which a suicidal individual deliberately behaves in a threatening manner, with the goal being to provoke a lethal response from a law enforcement officer.
Police officers shot Griffon, then secured him and removed him and themselves from the fire that he started.Officers began giving medical aid to the man.  The Lansing Fire Department was already at the scene and worked on putting out the fire. Emergency crews transported Griffin to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead.
Michigan State Police will be conducting an investigation of the incident at the request of the Lansing Police department, which is a standard procedure.Lansing Police say there is no threat to the public at this time but want to remind people that this is an ongoing investigation.
However, in a city that has unsolved murders that involve young African American males, there are some who are calling for calm and others who say that if some of the other murders were solved, possibly some violence could be avoided.  Another question would be “How are we dealing with the mental health of young people who are impacted by violence and those children that are left behind?’
Rina Risper
President & Publisher,The New Citizens Press

On Thursday December 24, 2015 at 7:38 pm., Lansing Police personnel responded to the 5900 block of Selfridge, in southwest Lansing, for a report of a home invasion in progress where a man was seen entering a window of the home. 

Officers arrived promptly and established a perimeter around the residence. Soon after they confirmed at least one male subject was inside. 


Officers engaged the subject in dialog for nearly two hours. 


At 2149 hrs officers’ report seeing fire inside the residence. A team of officers entered the residence to secure the subjects inside and protect them from the threat of fire.


Upon doing so, officers were met with gun fire. They retreated to the outside but soon after encountered the accused subject who challenged them with a firearm resulting in him being shot by police officers. 


Officers secured the subject, removed him and themselves from the progressive fire and immediately began rendering medical aid. Lansing Fire Department who were already staged, responded promptly to extinguish the blaze and transported the subject to an area hospital where he was pronounced deceased. 


The deceased subject is a 24 year old Lansing man. 


Following standard protocol, Lansing Police contacted the Michigan State Police who will be handling the investigation in full. At this time there is no outstanding threat to the public safety but this is an ongoing investigation. Anyone having information that may be valuable is directed to contact the Michigan State Police 1st District Investigators. 


A press conference with Lansing Police Chief Mike Yankowski was held on December 25th at 12pm, Lansing Police Headquarters, 120 W. Michigan Ave Lansing, MI.