
News Spotlight: Uplift Our Youth Foundation Dinner Fundraiser

The Uplift Our Youth Foundation, 6th Annual Grant Award and Fundraising Dinner will be held on Thursday, November 18, 2010 at the University Club of Michigan State University 3435 Forest Road, Lansing MI 48911.  Rufus Gladney Vice-President of Consumers Energy and the chairman of the event announced that the evening begins with a reception at 5:30 PM and dinner at 6:45.  This year’s speaker will be William Mayes, Executive Director of the Michigan Association of School Administrators (MASA).

 Founder and Chairman-Emeritus Larry Leatherwood reports that the 2010  “Child Advocate of the Year Award”  will be given to Elaine Hardy, who since 2001 has been Coordinator of the East Lansing Community Center.   In addition, the Honorable Amy Krauss, Judge on the 54th District Court will serve as Mistress of Ceremonies.

Since 2002 the Foundation has awarded over $80,000 in grants.  This year’s grant awards to organizations serving at risk youth will total $10,000.

To attend the 2010 dinner contact Paul Baerman, Dinner Chairman at (517) 882-4359 or send a check to Uplift Our Youth (UOYF) at P.O. Box 7009, Lansing, MI 48908.  A single reservation is $75.00 or $600.00 for a table of eight.

Uplift Our Youth is a (501 C 3) not for profit organization and contributions are tax deductible.