
News Spotlight: Utility Company Warns About Imposters

 The Board of Water & Light has been alerted by a customer that persons claiming to be a utility worker requested to gain entry to their home. The customer refused, having neither requested service nor provided appropriate identification by the imposter, and reported the incident to the police.

All BWL employees and contractors carry BWL identification and will present it upon request.
To verify that a person is a BWL employee, ask to see identification or call 517-702-6006 to verify that a BWL crew is performing work in that area.
Protect yourself and your home from imposters and scam artists by following these precautions:
·         Ask for ID! All BWL employees carry photo identification.
·         Look for a uniform. BWL employees have the BWL logo on their hats, jackets and shirts. Meter readers wear bright yellow safety vests and BWL marked clothing.
·         BWL vehicles are generally white with the BWL logo on the side and will also have a vehicle number. NOTE: BWL meter readers drive their personal vehicles but will have a placard indicating they are BWL-employed meter readers.
·         Do not open your door to a suspicious person.
·         Report any suspicious activity to the police and to BWL customer service at 517-702-6006