
News Spotlight: Want a Stress Free Life: Just Breathe!!

E. LANSING, MI What if someone told you to “breathe” your stresses away – would you believe them? There is a very powerful secret to the breath, that can help you achieve the calm, centered mind that most people are looking for. The Art of Living Foundation (AOLF), a non-profit, non governmental organization, is striving to do just that – changing people’s lives by harnessing the power of breath.

Dr. Damita Zweiback, Public Health Consultant & Professor in Lansing says “Taking the Art of Living breathing course was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made for myself.  I now have a daily technique that helps me to regain my equilibrium whenever I’m in stressful situations, and I’m much happier in general.  I highly recommend this course to anyone.  Do something great for yourself and someone you love!”                                            

Enjoyed by people of all backgrounds, faiths and traditions, the Foundation’s programs have changed the lives of an estimated 25 million individuals in over 140 countries. 

The cornerstone of the Art of Living programs is an innovative breathing technique called the “Sudarshan Kriya®”, cognized by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, which uses specific rhythms of breath to harmonize our body and mind and infuse the body with energy. Along with this powerful technique, the course educates participants about the mind and provides tools to manage negativity. The 18-22 hour course, taught over five consecutive sessions allows individuals to overcome the stresses in daily life and experience living with greater ease and success.

Dr Dinesh Shah, private Cardiologist in Lansing says “I think every human being needs yoga for body and mediation for mind and this course teaches both. I have really enjoyed the course and practice it regularly”. 

Developed in 1981, independent studies of this breathing technique have demonstrated its ability to lower cortisol (the “stress hormone”) and cholesterol, and to provide relief from depression and other symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder such as insomnia, fear, anxiety and grief.

Dr Chandra says, “Our body has several daily rhythms, like daily blood pressure variation, blood sugar variation and even our endocrine glands secrete in a rhythm.  Sudarshan Kriya® as rhythmic breathing exercise, harmonizes these rhythms and creates a state of mental wellbeing.” There have been several studies validating the beneficial effects of Sudarshan Kriya in patients of anxiety and depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, tobacco addiction and improving the immune system. Dr Brown, a Psychiatrist from Harvard Medical School recently published an article in Harvard Health Publication, indicating that Sudrashan Kriya is beneficial and very effective for anxiety and depression.

Andrew Nunberg of the Art of Living Foundation and a renowned senior instructor, is bringing this technique to Michigan this spring with a special course.  Mr. Nunberg with our local community physician Dr. Shalabh Chandra will lead the Art of Living Course from March 5-9th, at the Hannah Comminuty Center, 819 Abbot Rd, East Lansing, Michigan. Dr. Chandra will also provide several free one hour long community seminars to help cope with stress.

The Art of Living Foundation is an international non-profit educational and humanitarian organization in special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the UN. It offers corporate stress-reduction courses; programs for children and teens, staff and inmates in correctional facilities, victims of violence and natural disaster; and special courses for those facing illness. These programs are provided as a part of foundation’s international camapaign of  providing a “Stress-Free, Voilence-Free Society”.

TO REGISTER FOR THE COURSE CONTACT: 517-918-1377,  517-974-9789.  For more information log on to  www.artofliving.org or www.research.artofliving.org