
News Spotlight: Winter Storm Operations Report and Reminders – On the Street Parking Rules in Effect

The City of Lansing initiated winter storm operations early this morning and will continue around-the-clock until city streets are cleared of snow. Crews will continue to focus on keeping main thoroughfares open until the end of the storm event and will then shift to a full plow of neighborhood streets. Snow removal operations on neighborhood streets are likely to commence in the early morning hours of Monday, December 12, depending on conditions. It takes approximately 48 hours to plow local streets, so residents are asked to please be patient and plan accordingly.

To facilitate plowing operations, please remember that on-street parking is prohibited between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m. every day. City residents are encouraged to refrain from parking their vehicles on the street until plowing operations are completed. If necessary, a winter snow emergency will be declared that bans all on-street parking 24/7 and authorizes the towing of vehicles that obstruct plowing operations.
Residents and business owners are also reminded that the city’s snow ordinance requires the removal of all snow and ice from the sidewalk within 24 hours after the conclusion of the storm event. Please do not shovel snow into the street.
Adverse road conditions are expected to continue throughout the afternoon, evening and into the early morning hours, so travelers are encouraged to exercise caution while driving. Please slow down and keep a safe distance away from snow plows, utility and emergency vehicles.
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Visit the city website at lansingmi.gov to sign up for NIXEL or to find more information about city winter maintenance operations and activities.
If you need information about warming centers or other community services, please call 2-1-1.  If you have an emergency, please call 9-1-1.