
Nu Resolution 6-13

By Joe Walker

“Are African children worth higher royalties?”

I believe African children are our future. If taught well, they’ll lead the way to press, media coverage and standing ovations at star-studded charity functions. We can’t allow African youth to get sick and die either. That eliminates potential cover stories.

American entertainment media loves celebrity babies and a star’s act of kindness, especially celebrities who adopt foreign children or contribute their wealth-ridden time helping those needy beyond our borders. Africa is by far the most popular destination. Madonna and Angelina Jolie are considered “super moms” because each adopted an African child … and, to everyone’s surprise, are raising them. National news followed these role-model-mothers through villages, recording them carrying these children like exclusive designer handbags that only money like theirs can buy. Press conferences were held to announce adoption. Those African babies are pretty darn lucky, because their moms are richly awesome!

Oprah Winfrey built an educational institution for African children. One of the richest, most powerful media persons in our country made one of the most charitable investments ever! And she showcased it on national television for all to see. Oprah’s enormous, overly made-up face was glowing. Her billion-dollar smile was as white as ever. Oprah Winfrey is so richly awesome!

And we can’t forget all the richly awesome singers who hold annual concerts to raise money for AIDS research in Africa!

Poverty, sickness and struggle: not awesome – no matter the location. So much of our country’s wealth is in the hands of celebrities, people held in high regard for publicized accomplishments that brought them riches. They, unlike countless others, have been blessed. Some celebrity figures feel they can save the world. Others use their money for charity just to gain press coverage. Sad. The number of un-adopted and homeless children in America is also sad. The number of American children who attend unsafe schools with less-than-quality supplies is sad too. In case you forgot: AIDS is still a problem in America. It’s their money though; these American celebrities can do with it whatever they feel. I just wish more of them would feel for The States a little more.

New Resolution #14: Take care of home first.