
Old Town General Store Opens For Business

Left:   Rhea Van Atta at the Old Town General Store located at 408 E. Grand River, Lansing, MI. 
(517) 487-6847
Courtesy photo
Below: Welcoming view from the 
It is open:
Tue – Fri: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm
Sat: 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
Photo by Thomas Harpstead
By Joe Israel                           
LANSING, MI — Living in the city, sometimes it’s possible not to always have a plan B. For local area businesswoman Rhea Van Atta, she made sure she had a plan C,D and E.
Her latest venture, the Old Town General Store, located at 408 E. Grand River in Lansing’s historic Old Town district, will host its’ Grand Opening event on Saturday, June 15, 2013. To coincide with the event Van Atta and her staff have worked around the clock to provide a choice selection of local Lansing musicians to play on the newly built courtyard stage.
Artists already signed on include Ben Hassenger, Cindy McElroy, Mike Eiya, Stan Budzynski, and more. 
“Almost every single artist on the bill, I know personally, and they’re great friends for supporting me in this new endeavor.  I am so excited and of course many have already become regulars,” Van Atta said.
Also locals will be treated to an array of top flight Michigan vendors offering foods to sample, and caricature artist Dennis Preston will be on hand sketching patrons.
The road for Van Atta started in Manila, Phillipines where her family emigrated to the United States from at age 9.  Van Atta  would ultimately set up shop in Lansing, living in a quaint but cozy house on Turner Street.  She was always driven from an early age, a testament to the tireless work ethic that her Southeast Asian parents instilled in her.
Upon graduation from high school, she would move away but always knew her return would be imminent. When the opportunity presented itself for her to open up her own business, she marveled at the chance, knowing that even a small contribution would contribute to the cityscape of the neighborhood, which has been somewhat impacted by closing the of the Temple Club in 2006, once the pillar of the north side.
“It’s big not too small, a nice big-little city,” she quipped. “It’s not so much living in Lansing, as it is Michigan though. I love living in Michigan.”
“It was around ten years ago, I began looking for a place down here that I could purchase. Slowly but surely I think I had always been drawn back to my old neighborhood, and wanted to be a part of the revitalization of Old Town.”
With the changing economy occurring at the time, she decided that the climate wasn’t right. She made the right decision, as many of local businesses tanked, and the market was in shambles. She would remain undeterred and focused, always optimistic that her business plans would soon take flight. Again, she made the right decision.
Fast forward to last summer when Van Atta purchased the building. It wasn’t terrible by any stretch, but the building needed some minor renovations. Not such a tall order, all things considered as some building inspectors are quite meticulous.
“My bathroom entrance is two inches short of code!” she exclaimed with a slight chuckle. 
From high noon to 5 p.m. on Saturday, city dwellers will be able to enjoy a nice walk along the bridge along the Grand River, which leads right to the front entrance of the general store. The grand opening is symbolic of more than just another business model, and more than turning a profit. It’s about what communities can achieve if our civic interests are aligned, and what the power of the people is really all about in the 517.
 Old Town is lucky to get new additions, and with several new local businesses being introduced to the great section of Lansing, it’s just what the doctor ordered.
“I’m really excited. As soon as I got this opportunity I jumped on it, because I got tired of going to Ferndale and East Michigan mainly,” shopkeeper Laura Millikan stated. “But I also knew Rhea could do it.”
Living just enough for the city. 
Old Town General Store carries basic toiletries, toothpaste, toothbrushes, lotions and other general items.  
Van Atta said, “We have some great things here.  I would love for people to just stop in and look around.  We are also looking for suggestions.”
The store carries a lot of organic products and grains.  Fresh   Zingerman Breads are delivered on Tuesday and Thursday. Along with the gelato candy display are the Germac snack foods.  There is a refrigerator filled with Grassfields organic cheeses, organic eggs and other products that need to stay chilled.  In the corner, Higher Ground and Paramount coffees, loose leaf tea are also available for purchase.  There is also wine to choose from should you be looking for a quick gift for an unsuspecting guest.  
Editor’s note:  We are aware that the date in this article is  Saturday, June 15th. This newspaper is delivered 3-4 days prior to the day printed on the paper.  Please visit the Old Town General Store and tell them TNCP sent you.
This was printed in the June 16, 2013 – June 29, 2013 Edition