
On Diversity and Equal Employment Opportunity

By Howard T. Spence, 
Eaton County Commissioner
Advances in Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity within Eaton County and Delta Township
The Board of Trustees of Delta Township, Michigan, is in the process of considering and enacting an ordinance which will make it illegal to discriminate in employment within the township based upon race, color, sex or gender, age, or a number of other demographic characteristics. Of great significance concerning the ordinance which is presently being considered and likely to be enacted is the fact that, for the first time, if the ordinance being discussed is enacted, it will be illegal to discriminate in Delta Township on the basis of sexual orientation.
I strongly support this action by the Delta Township Board of Trustees, and I commend the Trustees for the courage and foresight at this time to enact such an ordinance. By enacting this nondiscrimination ordinance, the Delta township Board of Trustees will be clearly signaling that Delta township is an inviting and inclusive community which is willing to accept and value all of its residents who are law-abiding and wanting to enjoy the life benefits which equal employment opportunity and diversity will certainly bring.
A copy of the proposed ordinance which will be considered for adoption by the Delta Township Board of Trustees is available from Delta township for public information and comment.
The ordinance as proposed will not only make it illegal to discriminate on the basis of minority status and demographics – including sexual orientation – but will also provide penalties and sanctions for individuals and employers who violate the requirements of this new ordinance. 
The welcoming and fairness message which this new ordinance will send to the public and to businesses considering Delta township is clear and encouraging, and should be welcomed by all persons residing in the township and by all those businesses which are already presently established in Delta township and/or considering becoming a part of the Delta Township community.
Perhaps an even more important message which adoption of this ordinance will send is a message to our children and youth that Delta Township values each and every person – no matter what their characteristics or background – who is willing to work hard to contribute what he or she can to our common goals and welfare. Delta Township is not a community of “Haters.”
In addition to my gratitude and support to the members of the Delta township Board of Trustees for their decision to codify equal employment opportunity and diversity into a township ordinance, I am also thankful to those major private sector businesses operating within Delta township which have already stepped up to the plate and which continue to work within their own businesses to encourage diversity and equal opportunity. From General Motors, to Meijer, to the shops and stores within the Lansing Mall, on to Kroger, and all the way down along the Saginaw Highway corridor to Walmart, it is encouraging to go into stores and to see a diverse work force of happy, smiling, and hard-working employees who get along with each other, and who have hope of developing successful careers which will benefit themselves, their families, and the Delta Township community generally.
According to the last United States census, approximately 20% of the population of Delta Township is classified to be of a racial or cultural minority background. 
The children of our residents here in Delta Township attend classes in the Waverly school district and also the Grand Ledge school district, and together they learn many of life’s important lessons – including the need to get along and to help one another in a respectful manner which reflects a community which is consistent with our heritage and our regional and national goals and values.
As a member of the Eaton County Board of commissioners, I intend to follow the lead of the Delta Township Board of Trustees to encourage the Eaton County commissioners to work even harder to assure equal employment opportunity and diversity within our County government workforce. ALL residents of our County and also visitors to Eaton County deserve to feel welcome when they come into our communities, or when they go to Charlotte to interact with our Courts, the Sheriff’s Department, or any of the other county or state agencies which provide services to us all. Hopefully Eaton County government and the leadership within our County will step forward to make a concerted effort to assure that equal employment opportunity and diversity within Eaton County is not just a slogan or a policy, but is a reality. Our children and youth must see a realistic and sincere embodiment of equal opportunity coming from our elected and appointed government officials. That exposure and commitment will better prepare them to interact with the many different types of people who live throughout our country and help to make us what we are – The United States of America.
On April 17, 2013, I was happy and proud to move that the Eaton County Board of Commissioners adopt a Law Day resolution which recited the importance of the right of all of our residents to “realize the dream” of Equal opportunity, the safety and comfort of equal protection of the law, and the inextricable link between freedom and equality. That resolution also recognized that the “rule of law” is essential to the good order and safety within our communities, and necessary to assure us all of equal opportunity to become “all that we can be.”
The Eaton County Board of commissioners adopted that resolution number 13 – 4 – 27 unanimously. That Law Day resolution was presented by the Chairman Blake Mulder of the Board of Commissioners to Chief Judge Thomas Byerley of the Eaton County courts, and to Eaton County Sheriff Tom Reich – both of whom were present to demonstrate their leadership and commitment to the principles set forth in that Law Day resolution.
Delta Township and Eaton County now approach a significant juncture in our history where our elected officials and leaders are bravely taking a step forward for Justice, equality, and opportunity for all of our residents. Please continue to support and encourage them. They need the goodwill of all of those residents living within Delta township and Eaton county, and also of those persons who interact with Delta Township and Eaton County as we move forward in our commitment to making both Delta Township and Eaton County “great places to live, work, or play, and to raise families.”
As we look forward, our commitment should be to making sure that we “all get along” and respect our neighbors, friends, and acquaintances here in Eaton County and their rights to be treated in a fair and lawful manner. As the Michigan Department of Civil Rights says in its department’s slogan, “ONLY fair is fair.”
Howard T. Spence is the recently elected Commissioner representing the residents in the 4th district of Eaton County. That district in Delta Township runs north from Saginaw Highway from approximately the Lansing Mall to Broadbent Road, extending north to the Eaton county border – including the residents living along Delta River Drive in Eaton County.
Howard is a former state of Michigan Executive and Administrative Law Judge, having retired from state service after 30 years of classified employee service.
Background information about Howard can be found at www.CommissionerHowardSpence.com .
He can be contacted through links on his website, or by email at CommissionerHowardSpence@gmail.com.
This was printed in the June 30, 2013 – July 13, 2013 Edition