
One Mic One Life Breast Cancer Research Fundraiser Set For April 24, 2005 at 621 – Part I of II pt 2

LANSING, MI —     Ronnie Sujak Smith, 34, is the loving mother to a beautiful 4 year old girl, and the devoted wife of James.  She is truly and inspiration to all that she meets.  Her friends say that she is a friend that any true friend would love to have.
   Her friends added that they wish to share her story for the purpose of showing Ronnie to their commitment and support.
    After obtaining a master’s degree from University of  Michigan, Ronnie worked for nine years as an elementary school counselor at an inner city school in Lansing. 
     During her seventh year of employment, she and her husband fulfilled their dreams of becoming pregnant. In her ninth month of pregnancy she was diagnosed with breast cancer.
     Ronnie went under her first chemotherapy treatment in 2001, immediately followed by 33 radiation treatments. The chemotheraphy zapped her energy and more noticeable, her hair; but not her will to survive am be the best mother that she could be to her new baby daughter. Ronnie spent the next year in remission, cherishing every moment she was able to spend with her family, while continuing to work.
     The struggle continued, though, and in October 2002, Ronnie underwent a double mastectomy followed by another six months of chemotherapy, due to the emergence to another mass. Since then, she has found six more masses with surgery following each discovery. She tries her best to live life with grace and appreciation for every single day. Ronnie has been able to experience her daughter’s first steps, words, and so many other cherished moments.
     On February 10, 2005, Ronnie received devastating news. Her cancer had metastasized to her lungs, liver and spine. Although her diagnosis is terminal, she maintains a very determined attitude to fight her battle with cancer.
     Amazing and courageous can’t even begin to describe this tenacious woman. Upon receiving this news she told her friends and family in her email that she was" focused on good fortunes."   She also said that she could never "forget that there were numerous people out there who have it MUCH worse than I do and that there are numerous people cut there who are willing to give me whatever support they can."
      Ronnie is now focused on a new set of goals – to take her daughter to her first day of kindergarten and to be there when her daughter rides her bike for the first time without training wheels.
     Those who support Ronnie feel it is their good fortune to have her for a friend. They plan to support her with a benefit to help her and her family deal with the financial burden of this illness.
     They are also using the benefit to show Ronnie how much they love and care for her as they help her overcome her next battle in life.
     They  invite all to witness the love they have for her with a celebration of Ronnie Sujak Smith and the friendship and inspiration she has provided to all of them.
      Ronnie’s courage has also inspired a group of Lutheran Social Services of Michigan employees to participate for the second year in the Komen Race for the Cure in Lansing on April 24, 2005.  The group is called “Ronnie’s Racers”.  The will walk/run to raise money for breast cancer research, education, screening and treatment.  They are listed on the website for the Lansing affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation at www.komengreaterlansing.org.  More participants and donors are welcome.
     On May 1, 2005 they will also have a benefit for her from 2:30 to 5:00 pm, they will hold a benefit gourmet hors d’oeuvre reception and silent auction at the Blue Gill Grill, 1591 Lake Lansing Road in Haslett, MI.  The cost is $15.00 per person.  For more information contact Chris Rehagen at 517-321-7663