
One Millennial is Building a Culture of Success By Bridging the Gaps

Mid-Michigan native Nandi Shareef, makes her Initial mark on the business world and now she faces the challenge: getting the different “generations” to understand one another. Courtesy photo

By Rina N. Risper

Nandi Shareef is a native of East Lansing, Michigan and graduate of Sankofa Shule Academy and East Lansing High School.    Nandi has been honored by the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) as their Inaugural “One to Watch” designee and she recently turned twenty-five.

 When asked about how growing up in the Greater Lansing Area impacted her life, Nandi said, “Being a Michigander gives me great pride. My Michigan roots taught me to work hard, be smart, and always strive to be best in class. Whenever I travel the country or around the world, I speak proudly of my hometown. I believe the old Lansing commercial says it best. “We’re making it happen. Accomplishments like these are just my role in ‘making it happen’.” 

 ASTD’s Young Leaders “One to Watch” program features rising stars who are passionate about the learning and development profession. They are forward-thinking, dedicated and are creative in the way they approach the challenges in this industry. The purpose of this program is to engage and recognize young people who are the voice of the next generation of learning and development professionals.

The goal is to acknowledge their outstanding efforts while helping these individuals immerse and apply themselves to new opportunities for growth and development in support of the industry.

The “One to Watch” meets the following criteria:

Born in 1980 or later; 
Working in the learning and development field; 
Making a unique or significant contribution to the profession;
An up-and-comer;
Outgoing, passionate and excited to network with new colleagues and Is giving back to the profession/community

Nandi is a resident blogger for ASTD’s Higher Education Community, as well as, a first-time speaker at ASTD’s Annual International Conference and Exposition to be held May 19-23, 2013 in Dallas, Texas. Her session is entitled “The Curious Case of Workplace Millennials.”  

Millennial generation is a term used by demographers to describe a segment of the population born between 1980 and 2000.   Sometimes referred to in the media as “Generation Y” or Millennials are the children of the post-WWII Baby Boomer generation.

She created the session as an olive branch for Learning and Development practitioners of other generations like the Baby Boomer or Generation Xer. Normally, there’s always a baby boomer talking about what defines my generation and who we are. Nandi wanted to tell the story from “the Millennial’s” perspective, help people understand that while there are generational differences, there are a ton of similarities. Nandi stated that finding that common ground is what will ultimately help retain her generation in the workplace and make organizations more effective.  Getting employees of different ages and mindsets is one of the biggest issues facing the business world today so a lot of research and development is being placed in this arena and she is at the forefront.

Nandi is the daughter of Mid-Michigan’s esteemed, resident midwife, Reverend Sameerah L. Shareef.  Nandi graduated with honors from East Lansing High School in 2004 at the age of 16. Nandi attended Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia where she received her Bachelor of Business Administration and MBA degrees at  ages19 and 21, respectively. After graduation, Nandi became the youngest director of a national learning center franchise where she facilitated the  sustainment of a half million dollar business in the throes of an economic recession.

Nandi stated, “In a time where competition, in career and in industry, is both fierce and global, the great differentiator is your network.  Your network is often determined by leveraging what you know and meeting people who either need that knowledge or share the same knowledge base. In order to reach this level, one must educate his/herself, formally and informally. That’s what my journey has been about.”

Currently, Nandi serves as the Global Training Manager for The Landings Club on Skidaway Island, one of the largest residential clubs in the United States. In this position, and with it being the first of its kind, Nandi is charged with the ground up design and implementation of a global training plan for over 400 employees with the end goal of creating and establishing a regional service training academy. Nandi is also a Ph.D. candidate in Organization Development at Benedictine University where she studies the role of young professionals in today’s new normal economy.

In addition, Nandi provides pro bono consulting services for small businesses and non-profit organizations in strategic and business planning, as well as, career coaching to citizens in transition.

“At the end of the day, when it comes to choosing your life’s work, you must answer 3 questions. What are you passionate about? What are you good at? What can you make money doing? When you find an answer that meets this 3 question test, you’ve found the career. The one that you could do for pennies and still be content everyday. This is how I feel about the learning/development and talent management functions of business.”

She serves as a Trustee for the Franklinton Center at Bricks and Vice President of her local ASTD and Toastmaster Chapters. Nandi is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. She is also an avid playwright and performing arts show producer.

For more information about The Curious Case of Workplace Millennials log on to http://astd13.mapyourshow.com/5_0/sessions/sessiondetails.cfm?ScheduledSessionID=1BA9CD

This was printed in the April 7, 2013 – April 20, 2013 Edition