
Open Door Ministry Gets Funding to Better Serve Homeless 

LANSING, MI —  The Open Door Ministry of Downtown Lansing has received two grants from the Capital Region Community Foundation to further its services to needy individuals and families.
A grant of $5,363.00 will be utilized for expansion and renovation of the Ministry’s infrastructure, located within Central United Methodist Church. Open Door currently serves over 2,000 individuals per year through a clothing bank, food bank, prescription assistance, housing help, transportation arrangements, personal care, telephone availability and the weekly Fellowship Lunch, which in combination with other organizations assures the availability of at least one full meal per day at no cost. It is supported by thirty-one area churches, Habitat for Humanity, corporate and individual donors, foundation grants and the efforts of 150 volunteers.

Since the need for services has greatly increased, the necessity for both facility and financial response has become fully apparent.
By moving the Ministry to the church’s dining room level, over three times as much space will be available.

In addition to placing all services on one floor, rather than two, this will accomodate the hospitality lounge, cots in a quiet area for those needing rest, a secure locker area for storing belongings, activity areas for art classes and games, piano space, room for private counseling and administrative work as well as a designated area for reading or group sessions on employment, etc. Entry modifications will assure safe access.
The second grant, in the amount of $2000.00, covers half the annual operational and maintenance costs of laundry and shower facilities, used without charge over 300 times per week by those without ready access to these essentials of everyday living.
The Capital Region Community Foundation, from which the above grants derive, has as its mission serving charitable needs and enhancing the quality of life in Michigan’s Ingham,Eaton and Clinton Counties.