
PARENT POST: Why Parent Involvement In School Is Important and What You Can Do To Help Your Child

 By Rosa Killips, Eastern High School Family & Community Liaison

When the parent is involved, students do better, regardless of economic status, ethnic/racial background or the parents’ education level. When parents are involved, students have higher grades, better test scores, and good attendance.  Here is what happens when parents are involved:
–     More students are likely to graduate  
–   Disadvantaged children do better academically and socially
–     Students who are farthest behind make the greatest gains 
–     Students from diverse cultural backgrounds perform better 
–     Student alcohol use, violence, and antisocial behavior decrease
Middle school and high school students whose parents remain involved make better transitions, keep up the quality of their work, and make better plans for their future. 
Parents, here is what you can do:
1.     Create a home environment that encourages learning: set up a consistent, well lit, quiet place where your child can study and do homework (this can be a kitchen table that is cleared and clean). Sometimes, keep your child company as they do their homework (you can get a task done while you are sitting).
2.     Let your student know you expect them to do well in school and beyond.  
3.     Become involved in your children’s education at school and in the community. 
These steps require dedication and commitment from students, parents and school. The results are well worth the effort! For more tips on helping your child do well in school, contact Eastern High School, 517.755.1020.
This article was printed in the December 27, 2015 – January 9, 2016.