
Peace Rally at the Capitol

By Kathie Kuhn
TNCP Community Writer

     LANSING, MI — On August 17th, more than 100 people gathered in front of the State Capitol to attend a candlelight vigil for peace.  Thirty minutes were spent in silence; creating a much-needed space for grieving and reflection.  For some it was the first time they had spoken out publicly against the administration’s foreign policy of warfare and imperialism.  
   The vigil was organized locally by the Greater Lansing Network Against War and Injustice (GLNAWI) in conjunction with the national group MoveOn.org.  Nearly 1,700 vigils took place across the nation in solidarity with Cindy Sheehan, whose 24-year-old son Casey was killed in the latest intensification of the 13 year war against the people of Iraq.  Sheehan is a member of Gold Star Families for Peace, a coalition of families of fallen American soldiers who are asking for an end to the illegal war in Iraq.  For 26 days she had been camped out in front of the Bush ranch house in Crawford Texas where George had spent his 5-week-long vacation (he sets the record for the most number of days spent on vacation by any president in the history of the United States).  She is now on a ‘Bring Them Home Now’ bus tour crossing the nation with her message.
   Inspired 8 activists’ trip to Crawford, ‘Camp Casey’ at Grand Circus Park in Detroit is one of several continual peace camps that are sprouting up all over the country.  For more information, contact www.campcaseydetroit.blogspot.com.  
   Cindy Sheehan will be making her way to Washington, D.C. for the Sept. 24th rally.   If you are interested in joining her and 100’s of 1,000’s of others, contact www.glnawi.org or call the Lansing Area  Peace Education Center at 517-337-8087 to get a seat on the bus.