
Plain Talk 5-4

By Frank Risper

     I was thinking about my mother the other day, God bless her.  I miss her a lot even though I know she is in heaven.
     I remember her saying, “Trust in God and he will take care of you.”
     I believe that what she said is true.  I hold on to her words as I continue to live my life.
    I am pleased to say that my father is still living and is in pretty good health even though he is in his eighties.
    Even though we were not close when I was younger, I have decided that somethings are not worth dwelling on.  The past is the past and the best thing that people can do is move on.  Time does not stop for anyone.
     I thank God for my father now.  He drives himself around, he lives on his own and he takes good care of himself.
     Not long ago, my father lost two of his siblings.  They died one week apart from each other.  My father had 12 children in his family and now only two remain.  My aunt was in her mid nineties and my uncle in his mid eighties.
    My father, of course, was very upset and saddened by the death of his siblings. 
  I supported him as he traveld out of town to the funeral and to visit family members.
   I am pleased that I have come to terms with my father and I love him.  Families need to stick together more and it is true that sometimes blood is thicker than water.  You can have friends come and go but family is just family.
     Remember to keep the faith.  Trust in God and remember to seek after a pure heart. God will be pleased.