
Plain Talk 6-25

By Frank Risper

     I am back and just in time for the New Year.  I hope 2007 was good to you.
As for me, I had so many items on my plate to deal with.  I have never experienced a year as busy as 2007.
     Unfortunately, something had to give and as it turned out it was my article “Plain Talk”.  I’m not saying that my workload is lighter, I’ve just learned how to manage the load better.
     In keeping with tradition, I’d like to talk to you about setting your sights on some positive things to consider in the New Year.
      I’ll start by telling you a short story that occurred last year that made me think about myself.  I received a phone call from an old friend, Mrs. Smith.  I had not heard from her in about 11 years.  It’s been so long that I can’t remember exactly.
       I was happy and surprised to hear from her and looked forward to catching up on old times.  We both were in marriages and I’m sure that life changed during the time I didn’t see her.
     We met for lunch at a restaurant at a local mall.  As we talked about old times, we also talked about our health.  Both our mothers had passed away and we both loved to work out at the gym.  We both had a lot of questions about how, what, when and where and I answered those with ease.
      She then asked me a question that I was not really expecting.
      “Frank have you read any good books lately?, ”she asked.
       Her question stopped me in my tracks.  I tried to play it off with a joke and recall mumbling something about Dr. Seuss.  The popular children’s book author was all I could manage to come up with.  My wife and I read to our children a lot.  I personally had not read books for my own enjoyment in a long time.  The two youngest, who are in kindergarten and the first grade are now reading to me.  At least I know that reading to them paid off.
        I became overly conscious of the fact that I had not read any good books for my own personal happiness or growth.  I’m not sure if she recognized my discomfort but after lunch we went to a bookstore and I purchased a book that she recommended.  She is a good friend and we would all be more knowledgeable if we had friends who asked more about our pursuit of higher thinking, self-discovery or better health.  It’s even better yet when you can find answers written in the pages of a book.
      I’ve made 2 resolutions for the new year. First, I will read the minimum of 1 book a month.  Reading 12 books a year, is not going to take much of my time.  Second, to stay focused on exercising at the gym.  Having a strong mind and a strong body is essential for a long and happy life.
      While writing this story, another thought passed through my mind about reading.
Once while I was doing The New Citizens Press newspaper deliveries, I passed a man walking down the  street.  I stopped and offered him a copy of the newspaper and he declined.  I personally believe that everyone should read the paper because it’s packed with information.
    I asked him why and he sadly looked up at me and said that he could not read.  I feel for him and for everyone who is in the same situation.  To be able to read is such a blessing.  Let us not waste it.  Television can wait.
    Remember to keep the faith.  Trust in God only. And seek after a pure heart.  God will be pleased.