
Plain Talk 7-1

Written by Frank Risper

I lost my mother about 4 years ago and I miss her very much.  As the saying goes, “You don’t miss someone until they are gone”, it’s so true.    
    As I write, I’m thinking about my Mama and how she raised my 8 siblings and I.  I honor her still even though she is no longer with me physically. 
    Mama raised us right and she did it with a lot of love.  As it is the nature of things, children grow up and become parents; and most of the time, raise their own children.  The model that parents utilize in raising their own children is built from the way their parents raised them. 
   My daughter, Anissa, who is 6, told me that she was going to raise her children like my wife and I raised her.  The interesting part of her comment was that at the time she was 4 and she still feels that way.
     Her powerful statement has stuck in my mind.
     I get it and I understand it.  I take ownership of a statement a child made.
      As a child, Mama taught me right from wrong.  She also instilled in me the principles that it takes to be a good person and do the right things in life.  The most important thing that she taught me was to trust in God.  She told me that God doesn’t change.  He is the same as he was yesterday, today and tomorrow.
      Times are changing but God is not.  He’s expecting us to provide the same principles that were handed to us when he created the heavens and earth.
      I must tell you that I’m not perfect, but I know someone who steals is a thief, someone who lies is a liar and a cheat is a cheat.  Most parents don’t raise their children to have undesirable traits. More importantly, not honoring your parents isn’t a good thing especially if your parents are good to you.
     Now some of you might be wondering where I’m going with this.
     Like many of you, I have children.  I’m experiencing difficulty with my teenage son.  I’ll not go into specifics but if you’re in the same boat, stand strong and continue to do the right things.  My Mama was right about doing the right things in life.
     Control what you can control and the rest… well, just give it over to God.  He’ll do all of the rest of the work for you.
     Children will try you and they will make mistakes.  We all have made mistakes in our life.  The key is to have something solid to stand on when you are going through shaky times.
     Call on your solid upbringing or your faith to do the right things.  You must always stand strong.
     Remember to keep the faith.  Trust in God only and seek after a pure heart.  God will be pleased.