
Plain Talk 7-10

By Frank Risper

Summer is here.  For some, it’s a time to flex their muscles that they have been working on all winter.  That is a good thing.  Good physical health is important because there are so many positives that come from it.  It brings you high energy, a good body image and as well it helps you live a longer life.

Good physical health and conditioning is not exactly what I want to talk to you about.  There is a lot of time and effort being put into building muscles and getting stronger.  However, how much time is being spent on trying to build a good character or personality?  Can people with a strong character and positive personality get some respect?

If the ability to take responsibility for one’s actions or decisions falls under a strong character, then I would have to say that some of our leaders could stand for a double dose of the “strong character” potion.

The good thing about building a strong character or a positive personality is that you can start on it any time or at any age.  It’s more about your mind and your heart.

In the Webster’s dictionary, it states that character is one of the attributes or features that make up and distinguish an individual.  Have you assessed what your character is?  Do you have positive character traits?  What’s your temperament and personality?   Do you have a pleasant disposition?

So with that being said, let us consider making our characters stronger.  Let us also work on making building character more important in our lives.  This isn’t only important for us but it would also affect your entire family.  They are watching and looking to you for strength and hope during these hard times.

Remember to keep the faith, trust in God only and seek after a pure heart.  God will be pleased.