
Plain Talk 7-12

By Frank Risper

Friends how many of us have them?  Most of us would say that they have close friends in their lives.  My questions to you is has the friendship been tested and held up?  Are you sure?  Do you know if it came down to it that they would save your life without hesitating? Would your friend be willing to part with a kidney if you needed one?

The Bible talks about a friend being one who would be willing to lay down their life for their friend.

Are you that type of friend?  Think about it.  Do you think that you have even one person who would answer the question with a yes answer?

Now I understand that Jesus does set forth a high standard.  There are some who can and are willing to step up to that standard.  Consider the soldier who fights in a war.  Are today’s soldiers laying down their lives so that you and I can live a better life?  Would you consider one of them your friends?  Just a little something to think about when you’re thinking about friendship and sacrifice.

Who has sacrificed for you lately?  Who’s your friend?  Is it the person who’s there to listen when you need someone to talk to?   Or the one who’s there to share the good times with?  Maybe it’s the person that you feel that you can share your secret with, you know “that” secret that no one knows about?

Don’t look to me.  I can’t answer those questions for you.  That’s up to you.  But I can say with a clear mind that for me I can’t find any fault in God in who I put my trust.  He’s my friend.  I choose God because when I’m weak and I fall short of the mark.  He’s there to comfort me like no one else can.

When I’m sick, I know that he has the power to heal me both physically and emotionally.  When I sin he’s just to forgive me and heal my spirit.  He’s God.  I don’t have to tell him my secrets because he already knows them.  Just as he knows the number of hairs I have on my head.  He loves me when I’m good as well as when I’m bad.  And I’m bad some times just like you!!

But I do have a friend and a friend for this life and the next.  How about you?  Does your friend measure up?

Remember to keep the faith, trust in God only and seek after a pure heart.  God will be pleased.