
Plain Talk 7-13

By Frank Risper

If you could be granted one wish, what would it be? Think about that question for a minute.   You would have to know what’s important to you. Would your one wish be about you and only you?  Would you ask for riches enough to last you a hundred lifetimes so that you could eat, drink and be merry?

Now before you answer that question, remember that you’ll be exposing yourself. So you need to make sure that what you’re saying is a true representation of who you are and what you are wishing for. Now with that being said is your wish the same? Yes? Would your one wish make HIV/AIDS a thing of the past?  Would your wish be for an opportunity for an education for all?  Would it be a trillion dollars?  Would it be world peace?

I don’t believe that there has been world peace since the beginning of time. Can you imagine getting your daily newspaper and there’s no mention of the mounting death toll in any given country? Step up to that if you can, you have one wish. As you might have guessed, this isn’t about you or I getting one free wish. On a larger scale, the one wish should be about thinking about positives in life, and dreams that could come true.

So let’s take a free wish and turn it into faith, hope and love for your brothers and sisters on Earth. There are thousands of children begging for food and a warm place to sleep.  They want to feel safe, take a moment to care about others. There’s power in your silent wishes. Who knows, maybe one day you can turn a wish into reality for many people, no matter what their race, color or religion may be.

Remember to keep the faith, trust in God only, and seek after a pure heart. God will be pleased.