
Plain Talk 7-17

By Frank Risper

I had a thought, just for the sake of argument type of thought. Perhaps your calling is greater than just taking care of yourself.

Maybe God has blessed you with children to care for or maybe you’re a leader of thousands of people.  Maybe you’re the president of a great country like the United States. Many of you can relate to having children depending on you for everything, so let’s all move to the larger picture.

Imagine having charge over thousands or millions of lives. Do you think that you’d have success based on your intellect? If so, this intellect that you possess that enables you to make sound decisions for thousands of people, where did it come from? Books, teachers, life experiences?

Could this ability to lead come from a higher being that you or I can’t see? Let us say that this being, who has superior wisdom than we as humans do, is actually looking out for you and I because it loves us. Imagine that! So not only does it bless us with some of it’s wisdom but we also receive guidance.  The guidance is to lead us toward the proper way to go about living a full and happy life.

We’ve the right to choose who will be our leader in this country. This is the United States. We have an election coming up in November for the president of the United States. This is your chance to do your part in making this life better for all of us. Lord knows that things have not been so good for us over the last eight years.

Maybe we can get it right this time. By the way, I heard that they’re about eight million unregistered black voter out there. Is that true? If it is then we need to get on the ball, because to drop it again would be… well let’s not even go there. Just for the record my vote goes to, Barack Obama. Hand’s down, he’s the best choice to be the next president of the United States.
Remember to keep the faith, trust in God only, seek after a pure heart. God will be pleased.