
Plain Talk 7-18

By Frank Risper

I love my life. God has blessed me. One of the greatest gifts that I have is the ability to be positive most of the time; however, this isn’t one of those times. The reason why is, I’m sick and tired of people who could care less about the feelings of others around them. I believe that when given the opportunity to be a positive and motivating force in the life of someone who trusts and looks to you that you should as much as you can be responsible.

Are we just tired? Is the responsibility of the daily grind too much for us handle? There’s a case to be made for that, maybe we’re over worked these days. It seems as though some employers take advantage of their employees because times are tight and good jobs are hard to come by.

I am sure that there are many who feel overworked.   When the economy is struggling we should be collectively working together to accomplish more.  Under no circumstances should employers or employees mistreat others. I understand that sometimes we are in a rush to get things done on time with half the staff at times.

But in a minute it will seem that we are rushing to our graves. To hear me tell it we have lost our focus in life. Trust me this is not the way that God planned for things to be for us. Just stop for a moment and look around you at the people who you see on a daily basis. Starting with your family, you start your day with them. Do you really see them every time that you look at them? Or do you look through them on your way to work or where every you are headed on that day? Do you think that it goes unnoticed? Did you know that we’re very sensitive creatures? We know then we are loved and cared for.

I spoke to a young man the other day who had his feelings hurt by someone that he called a friend. I felt bad for him, I sometimes wish that I could just turn my feelings off, I can’t and you can’t either. So how about if we try to get back to caring about one another in a real way.  I truly believe we can do it if  we put our minds to it. A good place to start is with a hug to start the day for your loved ones. A kiss goodbye and someone telling you they love you from the heart makes all the differences in the world.  The best thing is that it doesn’t cost anything.  How about a positive word for another co-worker or employer?   If there is anything in the way that keeps you from doing these positive things, you need to get them out of your heart. Negativity will rob you of your happiness. As well as the happiness of your friends and loved ones.

Remember to keep the faith. Trust in God only. Seek after a pure heart.  God will be pleased.