
Plain Talk 7-3

By Frank Risper

Work.  The word by itself has the power to completely change the mood of a lot of people from happy to sad.  One word can change enthusiasm to despair.  I wonder how work has become so distasteful to so many people.

The dictionary states that work is the use of bodily or mental power in order to do or make something, especially as contrasted with play or recreation.

Could it be that work and recreation conflict with one another?  Do people enjoy one more than the other?  You know, I never hear anyone saying anything negative about recreation or having fun.

You can always count on going to work on Monday morning and hearing someone speak negatively about having to be at work.

So I say, let us take a look at the great things about working.

My First Job

I got my first job when I was 11.  I had an older friend, Ed, who was working at the corner grocery store and I asked him to put a good word in for me.  He did and I began working after school and on the weekends.  My job duties were stocking the shelves, cleaning the back rooms, floors and the windows.  I did the odd jobs.

I found out later that my boss thought I was older because I was so tall and he kept me because I was a good employee.  I worked there through high school.  The job gave me a sense of freedom and self-worth.

With that job I was able to help my mother with the bills.  I never thought twice about giving money to my mother.  My parents were divorced when I was 6 years old, so I took the fast track to manhood.  Since I had the privilege of having a job, it kept me off of the streets.  I’m positive that working kept me out of trouble.

Both of my parents worked at least two jobs for years.  You could say that my parents planted the “work hard” seed. 

Working has given me a lot in life, including the opportunity go to college and pay for it myself.
I enjoy and respect the ability to be able to work and more people should be grateful for the opportunities that their job has afforded them and their families.  I know this from my own family.  I love my family and they are very important to me. 

I don’t complain about work or the people that I work with.  There are also ethics involved with working too.  People shouldn’t take advantage of their employers.  For the people who use company time to answer e-mails, browse the internet or make long distance phone calls; your company doesn’t owe you those perks unless it’s written. 

Ask yourself, when was the last time you bought rubberbands, paperclips, paper, pens or envelopes?   Are these items that you “borrow” from work for personal use?  Your company doesn’t owe you stationary privileges either.

Think about your house, car, the shoes that cover your loved one’s feet, the water that quenches your thirst and the food that nourishes your body.  Without a job, you wouldn’t have any of the above.

So the next time that you find yourself complaining about having to work, think about all that your employer has done for you.

As you work, remember that your hard labor and your level of dedication is working for you as well.

God Worked

During the days of creation when God created the heavens and the earth…

1.  God said let there be light and there was light.
2.  God said let the water under the sky be gathered to one place and let dry ground appear.  And it was so.
3.  Then God said let the land produce vegetation; seed bearing plants and fruit bearing trees.  God saw that it was good.  There was evening and morning as well.
4.  God said let there be light in the expanse of the sky to separate day from night.  And it was so. 

God went on to create living creatures; like birds and livestock.

So God created man in his own image.  He did this so man could rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air, over the livestock over all the earth.

By the seventh day God finished his “work”, so on the seventh day he rested.

Now, I added the Bible excerpt because I wanted to make a point.  If God worked, then we should work as well.  That is how things get done and trust me, we’re no better than God.  We have a lot of work to do.

Remember to keep the faith, trust in God and seek after a pure heart.  God will be pleased.