
Plain Talk 7-9

By Frank Risper

Are you worried yet?  I don’t know what you’re seeing when you look out into the world but I’m seeing big time trouble coming.

Wake up people!!!

Last week, I turned on the television and started watching the news.  The first thing I see is a rising death toll in China from the terrible earthquake and it’s astonishing. Almost 12,000 are dead or missing according to the report.

After that the news switched to the war in Iraq and rumors of wars to come.

Are you worried yet?  I turned on the radio and listened as the newscaster reported a story about a 10-year who just had a baby.  My stomach turned.

Is anybody praying anymore?  Are the true preachers going out of style?  If so, who or what is the replacement going to be?  A drink and your two step on the dance floor?

Have we really come to that?   What about love thy neighbor?  What has happened to that.  What about it takes a village to raise a child?  Who is on the watch?  Where are all of the heroes that we once
knew back in the day.

I’m am fuming with anger.  WHY WAS THERE NO ONE AROUND TO PROTECT THAT LITTLE GIRL.  She should have never been violated in anyway.  Someone stole her innocence and now we will all have to deal with the ramifications of being caught up in our own selfish worlds.

Are you worried yet?  Some are worried about the price of oil and some about not having enough food to eat.  Which is more important to you?

It seems to me that if you are blessed enough to buy gasoline at current prices, you’re blessed.

Having a swollen stomach from malnourishment or not being able to concentrate in
school because you didn’t eat dinner is a whole other story.  Are you starting to get my point?

We Have To Start Somewhere

Listen people, we have made some serious mistakes in the election of our leaders.  We’re  not outspoken enough.  We see injustice and walk right over it as though it doesn’t exist.  Take a look at the President, your mayor, your city council persons, your pastors and every one else who is in a position of authority.  I see that a lot of structures are failing. 

There’s hope.  We have the chance to mobilize and correct some serious wrongs. We need to tell those who are slipping to hold on another day.  We need to let those who don’t think that we are listening know that we are.  There are upcoming elections, get out and vote.

A Hero:  Give Him a Chance

I believe that Barack Obama is a man of his word.  I also believe that he has the ability to change the course of this country for the good.  This shouldn’t be about him being Black, White, Bi-Racial or any of the other labels that we give to people.  This is about bettering all of our lives.

I hope that everyone who can vote, will vote.  Make sure that you have your identification.  Make sure that you have your game face on and complain if you cannot vote.  Call us, we will be keeping track.  Remember in Michigan, ex offenders do have the right to vote and should do so.  I pray every day that we will begin to see a life of hope.

Remember to keep the faith, trust in God and seek after a pure heart.