
Recipe: Savory Cheddar and Chive Waffles with a Fried Egg

  Try this tasty dish for brunch!

Recipe Serves: 4

Recipe Prep Time: 

10 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes


•  1 cup waffle mix (I used Bob’s Red Mill Organic High Fiber)

•  10 eggs – divided

•  2 tablespoons canola oil

•  ½ cup shredded 2% sharp Cheddar cheese

•  ¼ cup minced chives plus extra for garnish



In a medium bowl, mix together waffle mix with 2 of the eggs and the canola oil. Stir in shredded cheese and minced chives.

Pour batter into pre-heated waffle maker and cook according to manufacturer’s instructions until golden brown.

While waffles are cooking, fry eggs to desired doneness and serve on top of waffles along with a sprinkle of extra chives.

Recipe by Liz Della Croce of The Lemon Bowl

Published on Milk Means More – United Dairy Industry of Michigan (http://www.milkmeansmore.org) 

This column was printed in the May 29, 2015 – June 11, 2016 edition.